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Hindi-English > खतरों के बाद भी आप-बीती सुनाने के लिए जीवित बचना

खतरों के बाद भी आप-बीती सुनाने के लिए जीवित बचना in English

pronunciation: [ khatarom ke bad bhi ap-biti sunane ke lie jivit bacana ]  sound:  
live to tell the tale
survive to tell the tale
के    K beyond between disentitle except from OF
के बाद    onwards from...on after later beyond next to past
बाद    after later next then hereinafter
भी    also nay as well besides at that anyway and all
के    K beyond between disentitle except from OF
के लिए    here's to here's to in the interests of up for
लिए    sake to in favor of
जीवित    on the hoof existent in existence aboveground
जीवित बचना    survive
बचना    evasion avoid abstain shake off get out persist

What is the meaning of खतरों के बाद भी आप-बीती सुनाने के लिए जीवित बचना in English and how to say khatarom ke bad bhi ap-biti sunane ke lie jivit bacana in English? खतरों के बाद भी आप-बीती सुनाने के लिए जीवित बचना English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.